Growing Daffodils

Did you know you can keep Daffodil blooms in the refrigerator for an extended time?  They can last up to 4 to 5 weeks.  Here is what you need to know to keep the blooms looking as good as possible.

Do Daffodils Spread?

Posted by Brent & Becky’s Admin on 

Do Daffodils Spread?

As captivating as they are, it’s no wonder we’d all want more daffodils in our yards. They’re beautiful, come in a wide array of colors, and are pest-proof! However, is the only way to get more of these fabulous flowers by buying more bulbs to plant? Or do daffodils spread all on their own?   Will Daffodils Spread? Anyone who has ever planted a spreading plant, like lily-of-the-valley or creeping phlox, will know that these plants require little to no help in multiplying throughout our landscapes. In fact, they’re so good at it, our concern is more often not…

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Daffodils (Spring Narcissus)

Posted by Brent & Becky’s Admin on Jul 31, 2018

Daffodils (Spring Narcissus)

Daffodils (Spring Narcissus) By: Brent and Becky A Flower by Any Other Name Would Smell as Sweet: The Down-and-Dirty Basics: Matchmaker: Picking the Varieties for You Expert Advice Troubleshooting Greek mythology tells the story of the hunter Narcissus, whose beauty was only outmatched by his vanity. Narcissus was completely infatuated with himself until he fell in love with his reflection. He was so fascinated by his beautiful reflection, that he wasted away staring at it until he died. The myth then says that the gods turned him into a narcissus flower. These flowers do more than living up to their…

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